Data Room

Culture of Lie



Key passage:
In Korea, perjuries and false accusations per unit of population are surprisingly-high. This is largely a result of their cultural background. They have the culture of the disinterest in truth and facts and little sense of guilt about telling lies.

They have been given hate Japan education in such culture. In the result, most of anti-Japan propaganda widespread without any validation or correction. Because they can be happy as long as they can put Japan or Japanese down whatever facts.

There is "the culture of lies" behind
anti-Japan dependent patients who are putting Japan or Japanese down all over the world.

要 約:

韓国の単位人口当たりの誣告罪、偽証罪は驚くほど多い。 これは事実や真実に無関心で、 嘘に対して罪悪感のない文化によるところが大きい。

そのような文化のもと、憎日教育を受けた結果、 反日プロパガンダは検証も訂正もされることなく広まる。 日本を非難できるのであれば、 事実などどうでもいいからだ。


I will introduce the articles published in Korean newspapers. They are well known to Japanese Korea watchers.

These articles say perjuries and false accusations per unit of population are surprisingly-high in Korea. For example, 2000's statistics shows us perjuries have recorded 671 times as Japan. False accusations have recorded 4,151 times as Japan.

These ratios have been moving up and down every year, but the fact remains that telling lies is national disease of Korean people. After that things have not changed. In March 2012, Korean newspaper, Chosun Ilbo pointed out the Korean people arrested for perjuries for a year are more than Englishmen arrested for perjuries for ten years.

In these articles we can find there is a culture where many people have very little sense of guilt about telling lies. And Other articles in my site also show us many people in Korea have the culture of the disinterest in truth and facts and tend to respect for their assumptions and wishes too much.

They have been given hate Japan education from children in such culture. After growing up, not a few of them fabricate their history, and push anti-Japan propaganda.

This is often true of Korean mass media, governmental or formal organizations, private organizations and individual persons. In the result, most of anti-Japan propaganda widespread without any validation or correction. Because they can be happy as long as they can put Japan or Japanese down whatever facts. They are broadcasting false allegations to the world about Sea of Japan naming dispute, Takeshima problem and other problems.

We can find "the culture of lies" behind the anti-Japan-dependent patients who continue to flame Japan or Japanese all over the world.

韓国では偽証罪や誣告罪の発生が驚くほど多いという内容です。例えば2000年、日本の人口比にすると、 偽証罪は671倍、誣告罪は何と 4,151倍という高率でした。

毎年倍率は変動しますが、嘘つきが韓国人の国民病であることに変わりありません。 状況はその後変わらず、2012年3月には2012年3月には、朝鮮日報で英国で10年間に偽証罪となる人数より、 韓国で1年間に偽証罪 になる人数の方が多い、という記事が出ました。

これらの記事は、韓国では嘘に対しての罪悪感が極端に乏しい文化があることを示しています。またこのサイトの記事でも、多くの韓国人は事実に無 関心で、しばしば自分たちの願望や思い込みを過剰に尊重することを指摘しました。


これは多くのマスコミ、また政府組織、公的組織も、民間団体 ,そして個人にもしばしば当てはまります。 反日プロパガンダは検証も訂正もされることなく広まります。彼らにとっては日本を非難できるのであれば、事実などどうでもいいのです。


The ratio of Korea to Japan; The number of false accusations per unit of population in 2000 4151:1 
人口当たりの誣告罪数の比較(2000年) 韓国:日本 4151:1


jp → 

False accusations are over 4100 times as Japan
Abuse of the right to accuse, and the crimes of perjury increase to a dangerous level

Kim is a homemaker in their 40s. She was charged with criminal conversation last November. And now she got a prison sentence of 5 months on a charge of the crime of false accusation.
Kim and Mr.A got to know in March of last year each other in the campaign. Kim made out with Mr.A and it was exposed by her husband. Kim tried to escape from being punished for criminal conversation, and proceeded against rape for Mr.A. That is not a fact.
The court said "Kim fabricated evidence, and presented a petition to the prosecutors office to arrest Mr.A. She was so malicious, and we impose prison sentences on her.

Mr.Lee (50 yo, inoccupation) suspected bribery and committed in last year's September. When he is pending in court against the building contractor, Mr.Sin about cost for construction, he brought many accusations against Sin.
But Sin was always found innocent, then Lee brought accusations against the police department and the prosecutor. Lee accused over 30 times in a year or so.
At last, the policeman in charge of his cases opened an investigation on suspicion of false accusations, and Lee offered a bribe the policeman in secret to menace him. But he was arrested on the contrary to his intent.

*snip*...there is such incorrect social trend everywhere, which causes serious social problems. At 20th January, Kim attorney general told the journalists "The crimes about lies are serious in our country, and such as false accusations or perjuris are several hundred or several thousand times as Japan. This trend must be changed."

Recently, the crimes of false accusation or perjury increased at a great rate, and prosecutors office struggles to treat them.
Many figures show its severity of a problem obviously.
In last February, Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office announced that the number of the persons indicted for perjury were 1200 in 2003, but 1587 last year, which shows increase of 32 percentage. In 2000, the number of the persons indicted for false accusation were 5420. This figure was increasing every year, and reached 6438 last year. This shows increase of 18.8 percentage in in nearly 5 years.

The severity of a problem is more obvious, when you compare figures of our country and Japan, which has a similar criminal justice system.
By Office of Legal Affairs, the number of the persons indicted for false accusation was 1483 times as Japan, which means 4151 times, considering ratio of population.
The number of the persons indicted for perjury was 240 times as Japan, which is 671 times, considering ratio of population.

This caused quite a lot of negative effects. Too many accusations or complaints create defendants who reach 500 or 600 thousands every year. They are wrongly accused and prevented to do social activities.
They must often go to a court or a prosecutors office, and are subject to restrictions in the passport issuance and so on. They suffer a lot of negative effects. The works of police department and prosecutors office are also wasted.
"It is not too much to say that the prosecutors of the criminal investigations are getting caught up in the lawsuits about the claims to property." the chief prosecutor of the Seoul center prosecutors office says. "If a charge will be dropped,  we will be accused."
And then, many people cannot stand civil court's decisions and open new criminal cases. Many people point out the hidden social costs must be much more.
Kim administrator said "Many works of investigation are spent, and we cannot prevent increase in cost for judicial system. In addition, the nation's distrust of the judicial system became too serious to be neglected. In the first place, this distrust was caused because judicial system dose not protect the nation's right enoughly. And the right of the defendants are violated too much. Such problems have become so serious to be neglected.".

Authorities entered a crisis mode. Recently Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office instructed the front line to eradicate crimes of false accusation and bothered to create dedicated prosecutors at Seoul Center District Public Prosecutors' Office, East District Public Prosecutors' Office, West District Public Prosecutors' Office, South District Public Prosecutors' Office and North District Public Prosecutors' Office.  
And the Justice Ministry established a group for researching the system of accusation in a planning policies group. They have just finished analysis of basic data.
Then Policy Research Committee of the Justice Ministry have already had the three official discussions about the abuse of legal process and others. They are going to decide a rough direction through the next discussion on the 15th and the 5th discussion at the end of this month.
The Justice Ministry source pointed out, "There are too many lawsuits in our nation to be forced to reduce them by prior examination.". "We are now considering an installation of Che Jonje and a bill to upgrade effectiveness of a civil procedure positively."
Jeong Jae cheol 
Myeong Times [04/11]

‘誣告’日 本の 4100倍

金さんは去年3月総選挙運動過程で会ったAさんと出来て洋酒江陵等地に遊びに通った事実がご主人にばれるとこれを兔れるため にA さんに性暴行されたので罪ではないとしようとした疑いだ。
裁判所は「金さんがAさんを拘束させるために虚偽証拠を作るうえ青瓦台検察総長前に陳情書を提出するなど罪質が不良で実刑を 宣告する」と明らかにした。

去年9月、わいろの疑いで拘束されたこの某(50・無職)さんは、工事代金問題で建築業者神謀さんと争っている途中、新さん を相 手に何回も告訴を出した。
しかし李さんの告訴がいつも嫌疑なしの処分になると、今度は警察と担当検事を相手で告訴を出すなど1年余りの間に30余順番 も告 訴を濫発した。
とうとう担当警察官が李さんを誣告嫌疑で調査しようと思うと、李さんは警察官に密かにわいろを渡してこれを根拠で警察官を脅 かそ うとしたがこれがぼろを出して拘束された。


去る2月、最高検察庁によれば全国検察庁が偽証の疑いで起訴した人数は2003年に1200人だったが去年には1587人 で、 32%と大きく増えた.。


この弊害は少なくない。告訴告発が濫発されながら毎年50〜60万名の被告たちが発生して、各種活動に差し支えを受けてい る。
彼らは随時、検察と法廷を行き交わなければならないし、旅券発給にも差し支えを受けるなど被害が少なくない。また警察と検察 など 捜査人力も無駄使いされる。
ソウル中央地検一刑事部部長検事は、「刑事部検事たち全部が財産関連告訴事件にぶら下げられていると言っても過言ではない。 これも足りず起訴にならなければ検事を告訴しそうだ」と説明した。
その上、民事裁判があっても判決に承服しないで刑事告発につながる場合が多発している。見えない社会的費用の支出はずっと大 きい と言うことが衆論だ。
金種区戦法武夫長官は、去年発刊した本で「告訴事件による捜査力の浪費がひどく、司法費用の増加が不可避だ。その上、権利救 済不 十分から始まった国民不信と被告訴人の人権侵害など、弊害がこれ以上捨ておくことができないレベルに到逹した」と指摘した。

関係当局は非常事態となった。最高検察庁は、最近誣告犯の根絶対策を一線に指示し、ソウル中央地検と東西南北地検には専担検 事ま で配置した。
また法務部政策研究委員会公式議題で、告訴濫発などを上程してすでに三回も討論を経て、来る15日の四回目、月末の5回目の 会議後、大体の政策方向を決める方針だ。

法務部関係者は、「現在我が国は告訴がとても多く、選別審査などで強制的に流入を減らす法案は事実上不可能な状態」と指摘し た 上、


The ratio of Korea to Japan; The number of perjuries per unit of population in 2000 671:1 
人口当たりの偽証罪数の比較(2000年) 韓国:日本 671:1

 jp  → 

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